Cardboard Pallets could very well be the ideal environmentally friendly and economical pallet solution to fulfil your businesses specific needs for transporting lightweight products both locally and internationally. In a number of situations where reusable timber pallets are not required, affordable, lightweight cardboard pallets often trump their wooden and plastic counterparts due to a range of factors.
Transporting cardboard or corrugated pallets is considerably safer than handling timber pallets, if only due to minimising the risk of damage to property or person due to nails or splinters. It goes without saying, cardboard pallets are also far lighter than wood or plastic pallets; with each pallet weighing less than 10kg. Being lighter is one of the key advantage to utilising cardboard pallets in the transport of lightweight goods as they are easier to handle and shipping costs are reduced significantly.
Designed to suit a variety of industry-specific applications, corrugated cardboard pallets can also be easily manufactured to suit your specific freight requirements, with custom sizes and designs to reduce wastage, transportation and storage space; saving a significant expenditure in shipping costs.
Cardboard pallets are also far cheaper to replace when compared to wooden or plastic pallets. Replacing, tired, damaged or outdated pallets no longer has to be an expensive experience. Another key benefit is that due to the ‘single use’ essence of cardboard pallets ensures that each pallet will be cleaner and more hygienic, abolishing the need for expensive, ongoing maintenance and cleaning of each pallet, as is often a considerable undertaking when using plastic pallets.
At CMTP, we have a range of lightweight and heavy duty cardboard pallets to suit your requirements, handling loads from 300kg right up to 2,000kg per square metre.
If you’re looking to make the change to a more environmentally friendly and economical pallet solution, get in touch with the team at CMTP today to discuss your freight requirements.